Registration Sati


Who is Sati Italia and in which sector does it operate?
Sati Italia is a company specializing in solutions for the industrial electrical sector, with a strong specialization in Installation, Automation, Security and Protection. To learn more about Sati Italia, go to “Company History”
Where can i find your product catalogue?
You can download our General Catalogue and Technical Catalogues directly from the “Download”
Where are your offices or points of sale located?
To find out about all our locations, go to “Our Locations“. In the “Sales Network” section of our website, you can find your nearest sales outlet.
How can i contact customer service or technical support at Sati Italia?
Go to the “Contacts” page where you will find a form to get in touch with us, or, choose to get in touch with a specific location.
Does Sati Italia have quality or conformity certifications for its products?
All our products comply with EEC Directives on safety, health and environmental protection. CE marking is required for products manufactured anywhere in the world and marked within the EU. For more information, go to Certifications and Awards


We are always available to answer any questions you may have about our products and services.


Thanks to our extensive network of agencies throughout Italy, we are always ready to meet your needs and assist you in selecting the most suitable solutions for your project.